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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Basic Statistics by University of Amsterdam

4,383 ratings

About the Course

Understanding statistics is essential to understand research in the social and behavioral sciences. In this course you will learn the basics of statistics; not just how to calculate them, but also how to evaluate them. This course will also prepare you for the next course in the specialization - the course Inferential Statistics. In the first part of the course we will discuss methods of descriptive statistics. You will learn what cases and variables are and how you can compute measures of central tendency (mean, median and mode) and dispersion (standard deviation and variance). Next, we discuss how to assess relationships between variables, and we introduce the concepts correlation and regression. The second part of the course is concerned with the basics of probability: calculating probabilities, probability distributions and sampling distributions. You need to know about these things in order to understand how inferential statistics work. The third part of the course consists of an introduction to methods of inferential statistics - methods that help us decide whether the patterns we see in our data are strong enough to draw conclusions about the underlying population we are interested in. We will discuss confidence intervals and significance tests. You will not only learn about all these statistical concepts, you will also be trained to calculate and generate these statistics yourself using freely available statistical software....

Top reviews


Apr 20, 2016

This is a nice course...thanks for providing such a great content from University of Amserdam.

Please allow us to complete the course as I have to wait till the session starts for week 2 lessions.


Jun 27, 2022

Instructors have provided concise explanations of the concepts. There are many examples considered that make statistics easier to understand! Also, the illustrations are fancy. I enjoyed every video!

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876 - 900 of 1,069 Reviews for Basic Statistics


May 3, 2018

Un cours simple, bien structure, bien redige et enseigne avec une pedagogie adaptee. Je le recommande vivement a tous ceux qui veulent acquerir et comprendre les notions de bases de la statistique

By Artem S

Aug 30, 2022

It was a perfect basic course before it went for a hypothesis testing. Though I greatly enjoyed the course, I was left slightly annoyed by lack of explanations of the results of final exam.

By Yasar M

Apr 10, 2019

It is not possible to revise the course by reading transcripts only. One has to go through all the videos. Otherwise, it is a very good course and explained in a very simple and easy manner.

By Dr. M K - N

Mar 21, 2021

Excellent course on basic statistics. The instructors are good and have done much to make it simpler. However, I would have appreciated more worked out examples along with the transcripts.

By Renee W

Apr 10, 2020

This course was tought but it taught me basic statistics and how to use R. If you have never used thia programme before it might take a lot of time and perseverence, but I do recommend it.

By John N

Jan 25, 2019

took the free option. It has been good so far, learning a ton. I find the videos move quickly and after watching them I had to re-read the material, overall i would recommend this course.

By Amanda B R

Aug 28, 2017

Very Good course. I was pretty much satisfied.

R-lab can be improved and better explanations to help us on the test could have been given (after not passing the first time, for example).

By Pravin A J D

Dec 26, 2018

Essential to get started with statistics and/or machine learning. Explains basics is very easy way.

It would have been amazing to have examples and exercise in python languages as well.

By Sina M

Apr 18, 2020

Tutors explain the basic of statistics in a simple way. The only issue is sometimes they need to use more examples to make a better understanding of some specific parts of statistics.

By Jonas N

Aug 31, 2017

Good course with hands-on examples. Liked the balance between theory and practice. Good that one got to practice in R, even though the syntax was bit of a headache from time to time.

By Rafael d M B

Jul 13, 2020

The first two modules are great. The other ones, not really. The knowledge about probability could be better thaught, since it is just formulas, formulas, formulas e little concept.

By Xun Y

Dec 10, 2016

This course covers the basic knowledge of statistics and probability but skips the mathematical details behind the theory. Great for beginners but not perfect for advanced users.

By Ashley R

Mar 24, 2020

The videos were excellent! R-Lab is awful and the feedback on what needs to be done to correct the error was less than great. But the instructors and videos were excellent.

By Graeme C

Sep 7, 2018

lectures are excelent, better than I had as an undergraduate at university! The tests and the R modules are a bit infuriating... FYI, it helps to do the R modules first!

By Michael K

Nov 15, 2017

This is a great beginners course. It sets down the foundations quite nicely with minimal jargon. Would definitely recommend for anyone starting their statistics journey.

By Fabian G

Mar 9, 2016

Most of the parts were interesting and clear... some cumbersome and slow pace with the other professor. Not sure if the diapers and shit-painting were the best examples.

By Luz M

Jul 12, 2023

Very good course, however, it is a pity that the certificate does not come with my name. I spent a lot of time on the course and many hours on the final exam (many).

By Prashanth S H

Jun 30, 2021

Very good course. Excellent examples, quiz. and learning from the R tool exercises. An advice is to go through the R tool exercises in the same order as the course.

By Shreyans B

Jun 27, 2020

Enroll only if you already know R. Also, the R Lab assignments are trash. The probability topics are not so well explained but the statistics part is good enough


Feb 24, 2019

Thank you for training course, this course very useful. your course informative and interactive which gave us practices and examples all are most important.

By Dorothy L M

May 2, 2016

Great class, but I wish there were more practice problems. Statistics is a very important concept to learn for any field, and I highly recommend this class.

By Sandeep L

Jan 23, 2019

First 3 modules are very good. Going from basic statistics to basic probability. 4th module onward it is not basic anymore. I would split it into 2 parts.

By Donald M

Apr 14, 2018

Very good course covering the basics of statistics and the r statistical software. Most of it very well explained with helpful examples, would recommend.

By SathishKumar P

Apr 1, 2019

Content of course is well explained through videos. The questions in the assignment make us to solve the problems to answer the questions was useful

By Wilkinson M

Nov 13, 2016

Love the lectures and the way everything is organized in the course, however the information or instructions provided by the labs seem incomplete.